Notes - Playwright-Go

Best Practices

Use locators

Locators come with auto waiting and retry-ability. Auto waiting means that Playwright performs a range of actionability checks on the elements, such as ensuring the element is visible and enabled before it performs the click. To make tests resilient, we recommend prioritizing user-facing attributes and explicit contracts.

page.getByRole('button', { name: 'submit' });

Use codegen to generate locators

To pick a locator run the codegen command followed by the URL that you would like to pick a locator from.

npx playwright codegen your-url(


How to wait for one of several pages to show out?

Use regular expression to check each one of the pages may be showed out.

// Repair tab
// auditRepairURL = ``

// Test tab
// auditTestURL = ``

// Not found tab
// auditSummaryURL = ""

// Any one of the above three cases
var reAssetURLs = regexp.MustCompile("RepairDetailLOB|AssetConfiguration|Summary")

// It will be done if any one of the above url reached
err =, playwright.PageWaitForURLOptions{
	WaitUntil: playwright.WaitUntilStateDomcontentloaded,

// check which url reached
url :=

How to get the page ready?

For page.Goto() function using *WaitUntilState options for fine adjustment.

// Other options: WaitUntilStateDomcontentloaded / WaitUntilStateLoad
_, err :=, playwright.PageGotoOptions{
    WaitUntil: playwright.WaitUntilStateNetworkidle,

Or use WaitForLoadState function if you already in the page.

// LoadStateLoad - not ready, can't get threshold remaining
// LoadStateDomcontentloaded - page doesn't show out but you can get the data - faster
// LoadStateNetworkidle - page is visible and ready - stable but slower
err ={State: playwright.LoadStateNetworkidle})

// Or use Locator.WaitFor
err =

Note: This function will not work if your page is re-directing to other pages, like searching an asset tag in BlueIQ and re-directing to repair page. Use the above WaitForURL function instead in this case.


See Element Selectors

CSS Selector

Other Selector

Playwright adds custom pseudo-classes like :visible, :has-text(), :has(), :is(), :nth-match() and more. See Other locators

// Clicks a <button> that has either a "Log in" or "Sign in" text.
await page.locator('button:has-text("Log in"), button:has-text("Sign in")').click();

Table selector


  • Table row and column are all zero(0) based for Nth() function
table := page.Locator("#DXMainTable") // ID selector
table.Locator("tbody > tr").Last().InnerText()
table.Locator("tbody > tr.dxgvDataRow").Count() // Class selector

firstRow := page.Locator("#DXDataRow0")

// Not pseudo classes with multiple selectors
// not(:required, .item__cost, [disabled], [readonly], [type="date"]) 
// See
page.Locator("#DXMainTable > tbody > tr:not(#HeadersRow, #FilterRow)").Count()

// Nested selecotr
table.Locator("tbody > tr").Last().Locator("td").Count()

ID Selector


Class Name Selector


Text Selector


XPath Selector


Select element by label

Excerpt of page source

            <input id="divDropDown" type="checkbox">
            <label for="divDropDown">Vancouver,&nbsp;BC&nbsp;(RL)</label>
// See
page.Click("text=Vancouver") // ok
page.Click("text=Vancouver, BC (RL)") // ok
// not work
err = page.Click("text=Vancouver,&nbsp;BC&nbsp;(RL)") 


// div text is 'Employee Name'
page.WaitForSelector("//div[text()='Employee Name']")

// parent of the div element
page.WaitForSelector("//div[text()='Employee Name']/..")

Number Only

Class identifiers are allowed to start with a number, but ID identifiers are not. You can’t use an ID selector starting as a number: '#123' is not a valid selector.

You can use escape the number as `#\31 23` or `id=123`

WaitFor vs WaitForLoadState

WaitFor is for element

err := page.Locator("//input[@id='lastName-input']").WaitFor(playwright.PageWaitForSelectorOptions{
	State: playwright.WaitForSelectorStateVisible,

// Default
err := page.Locator("//input[@id='lastName-input']").WaitFor()

Common Commands

// launch with options
	Headless: playwright.Bool(true),
// context with options
context, err := browser.NewContext(playwright.BrowserNewContextOptions{
    Locale: playwright.String("en-US"),
    Geolocation: &playwright.BrowserNewContextOptionsGeolocation{
        Longitude: playwright.Float(12.492507),
        Latitude:  playwright.Float(41.889938),
    Permissions:       []string{"geolocation"},
    Viewport:          device.Viewport,
    UserAgent:         playwright.String(device.UserAgent),
    DeviceScaleFactor: playwright.Float(device.DeviceScaleFactor),
    IsMobile:          playwright.Bool(device.IsMobile),
    HasTouch:          playwright.Bool(device.HasTouch),
// new page with option
page, err := browser.NewPage(playwright.BrowserNewContextOptions{
	RecordVideo: &playwright.BrowserNewContextOptionsRecordVideo{
    	Dir: playwright.String("videos/"),
// go to page with option
page.Goto("", playwright.PageGotoOptions{
	WaitUntil: playwright.WaitUntilStateNetworkidle,
// screen shot
	Path: playwright.String("foo.png"),

// save as pdf
	Path: playwright.String("playwright-example.pdf"),
// click

// type
page.Type(loginInputUserNameID, iq.userName)
// type with optional delay
page.Type("#ctl32_ctl04_ctl11_txtValue",today, playwright.PageTypeOptions{Delay: playwright.Float(100.0)})

// Eval
page.EvalOnSelectorAll("ul.todo-list > li", "el => el.length")

Select HTML Element

Wait for selector

// prefer to use WaitForSelector rather than time.Sleep
page.WaitForSelector("//div[text()='Employee Name']")

Get the source HTML

// whole page html
html, err := page.Content()

// all product HTML nodes on the page
productHTMLElements, err := page.Locator(".product").All()

// where to store the scraped data
var products []Product
// get each product information
for _, productElement := range productHTMLElements {
    name, err := productElement.Locator("h4").First().TextContent()
    product := Product{} = strings.TrimSpace(name)
    products = append(products, product)

// export data as .csv
// open the CSV file 
file, err := os.Create("products.csv")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Could not open the CSV output file:", err)
defer file.Close()

// initialize a CSV file writer
writer := csv.NewWriter(file)

// define the CSV header row
// and write it to the file
headers := []string{

// add each product to the CSV output file
for _, product := range products {
    // convert a Product to an array of strings
    record := []string{,

    // write a new CSV record
defer writer.Flush()

Get option value of a Select element

// HTML Tag
// <option value="10" selected="1">Oct</option>

// get the option value
value,err := page.Locator("#month").Evaluate("e=>e.value", "") // 10

// also this works
value,err := page.Locator("#month").InputValue() // 10

// get the option text
label,err := page.Locator("#month").Evaluate("e=>e.selectedOptions[0].text", "") // Oct

// Note: InnerText() will return all the option texts of a select
// page.Locator("#month").InnerText() 

Set an option value

You can set the select options according to Label, Value, Index or Elements

    // by label
    v,err:=page.SelectOption("#ctl32_ctl04_ctl03_ddValue",playwright.SelectOptionValues{Labels: playwright.StringSlice("Canada")})
    // by index (int); 0 based?
    v,err=page.SelectOption("#ctl32_ctl04_ctl15_ddValue",playwright.SelectOptionValues{Indexes: playwright.IntSlice(1)})
    // by value (string)
    v,err=page.SelectOption("#ctl32_ctl04_ctl15_ddValue",playwright.SelectOptionValues{Values: playwright.StringSlice("2")})

Note: You can’t select the text with &nbsp; space in the label for now. See &nbsp; Space Problem

How to scroll down the page

Keep in mind that Playwright doesn’t offer a built-in method to scroll down the page. So, you need to define custom JavaScript logic as in the snippet below.

scrollingScript := `
// scroll down the page 10 times
const scrolls = 10
let scrollCount = 0

// scroll down and then wait for 0.5s
const scrollInterval = setInterval(() => {
    window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)

    if (scrollCount === scrolls) {
}, 500)
// execute the custom JavaScript script on the page
_, err = page.Evaluate(scrollingScript, []interface{}{})
if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Could not perform the JS scrolling logic:", err)


See Example

    frameElement, err := page.QuerySelector("#myframe")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("could not find #myframe iframe: %v\n", err)
    frame, err := frameElement.ContentFrame()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("could not get content frame: %v\n", err)

Download Files

  • All the downloaded files belonging to the browser context are deleted when the browser context is closed.
  • Browser context must be created with the acceptDownloads set to true when user needs access to the downloaded content.
    // 1. Browser instance
    browser, err := pw.Chromium.Launch(playwright.BrowserTypeLaunchOptions{
        Headless: playwright.Bool(false),
        DownloadsPath: playwright.String(`C:\Andrew\prj\rl\learn`),
    // 2. Browser context
    c, err := browser.NewContext(playwright.BrowserNewContextOptions{
        HttpCredentials: &playwright.BrowserNewContextOptionsHttpCredentials{
            Username: playwright.String(`CORPORATE\my-win-id`),
            Password: playwright.String("my-password"),
        AcceptDownloads: playwright.Bool(true),
    // 3. Download
    download,err:=page.ExpectDownload(func() error {
        return page.Click("#ctl32_ctl05_ctl04_ctl00_Menu > div:nth-child(6) > a")
    // 4. Save the file
    fileName := download.SuggestedFilename()
    err = download.SaveAs(path.Join("./", fileName))

Run JavaScript function on selector

// 1. simple example
page.EvalOnSelector("//div[text()='Employee Name']/../../..",`(el) => el.nodeName`) // TBODY

// 2. complex function example
// run function on the selector
(el) => {
	let result = "", name = "", client = "", liq = "";
	let sep = "$" // can't use comma, because the comma is used in name
	if (el.nodeName==="TBODY"){
		for (let j=1;j<el.rows.length;j++){
		    name = el.rows[j].cells[1].textContent
		    client = el.rows[j].cells[6].textContent
		    liq = el.rows[j].cells[7].textContent
			result = result + name + sep + client + sep + liq + "\n"

	return result
csvStats, _ := page.EvalOnSelector("//div[text()='Employee Name']/../../..", f)

How to listen for console event?

See here

messages := make(chan playwright.ConsoleMessage, 1) 
page.On("console", func(message playwright.ConsoleMessage) { 
    messages <- message 

Installation, Set up, and Configuration

Install Dependencies

// Command line
go run install --with-deps
# Or
go install
playwright install --with-deps

// Or from inside the program
err := playwright.Install()

// with options
    Browsers: []string{"chromium"},
    // DriverDirectory:     "/tmp/playwright",
    SkipInstallBrowsers: false,
    Verbose:             true,

// Install driver only; See
driver, _ := playwright.NewDriver(playwright.RunOptions{ SkipInstallBrowsers: true })
err := driver.Install()

HTTP authentication example?

Use browser.NewContext() for HTTP authentication

// ignore all error handling
func main() {
	pw, _ := playwright.Run()
	browser, _ := pw.Chromium.Launch(playwright.BrowserTypeLaunchOptions{
		Headless: playwright.Bool(false),
	c, _ := browser.NewContext(playwright.BrowserNewContextOptions{
		HttpCredentials: &playwright.BrowserNewContextOptionsHttpCredentials{
			Username: playwright.String(`CORPORATE\my-windows-id`),
			Password: playwright.String("my-windows-password"),

	page, _ := c.NewPage()
	if _, err = page.Goto(""); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("could not goto: %v", err)



Headless Mode

Browser will be lunched in headless mode by default.

To run in non-headless mode:

browser, err := pw.Chromium.Launch(playwright.BrowserTypeLaunchOptions{
  Headless: playwright.Bool(false),

Avoid Anti-bots

To avoid the simple anti-bots, you can randomize your requests. The idea is to use proxies to change the output IP and set real User Agent header values.

Customer User Agent

// create a new browser context with a custom user agent 
customUserAgent := "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
context, err := browser.NewContext(
        UserAgent: &customUserAgent,

HTTP Proxy

To configure an HTTP proxy in Playwright, you have to pass a Proxy object to the Launch() method.

// create a Proxy object with the proxy connection URL
proxy := playwright.Proxy {
    Server: "",

// initialize a Chromium instance with the specified proxy
browser, err := pw.Chromium.Launch(
        Proxy: &proxy,
        // other configs...

Still Blocked

You can try zenrows.
