In this COVID-19 pandemic season, to comply with new social distancing measures,
churches around the world have sent their congregants home.
The COVID-19 will stir those churches to seize this unprecedented opportunity to embrace change.
It is crucial for churches to lift up online giving not just as a convenience but as a theologically sound way to give.
# Remove the submodule entry from .git/config
git submodule deinit -f themes/hugo-theme-relearn
# Remove the entry in .gitmodules
git rm -f themes/hugo-theme-relearn
# Remove the submodule directory from the .git/modules directory
rd /s .git\modules\themes\hugo-theme-relearn
Git Branch
git branch // list all branches; = git branch --list
git branch new-branch // create a new branch
git checkout -b new-branch main
git checkout new-branch // switch to new-branch
git branch -d old-branch // delete old-branch; there'll be error if the branch hasn't been merged
git branch -D old-branch // force delete the old-branch
git push origin --delete old-branch // delete the old-branch in remote repos
Git Merge
fast-forward merge
git checkout -b new-feature main
// add / modify / delete files in this new branch and commit them
git checkout main
git merge new-feature
git branch -d new-feature
Adding Files
// To stage all files(including all files in subdirectories) in your repository,
// which includes all new, modified, and deleted files
git add -A
// To stages files in the current directory and not any subdirectories
// It also removes a file from your repository if it no longer exists in the project
git add .
// By adding the --ignore-removal option, which will only stage new and modified files:
git add --ignore-removal .
// To stage only the Modified and Deleted Files, but not any new files
git add -u
// Adding file by wildcard
git add *.html
// To add all JavaScript files, including those in subdirectories:
git add **/*.js
// lightweight tag
git tag v0.1
// create annotated tag
git tag -a v0.2 -m "my version 0.2"
// show tags
git tag
// show tag details
git show v1.0
FFmpeg is a free and open-source software. It’s a very fast video and audio converter that can also grab from a live
audio/video source. It can also convert between arbitrary sample rates and resize video on the fly with
a high quality polyphase filter.
The Midas M32 Digital Console for Live and Studio brings cutting-edge Midas innovation to the world of medium-format consoles.
Loaded with 32 premium Midas Pre-amplifiers, 25 time-aligned and phase-coherent DSP mix buses,
brilliant DSP processing and routing, and massive expansion options,
the M32 is an ideal foundation for moderate venues and professional touring rigs.
Add to that a sense of ergonomics that makes it one of the easiest digital boards to get around,
and there’s no wonder the M32 is one of the most popular mixers of its class we’ve ever seen.
I’ll show you how to deploy your website to Gitlab Pages.
GitLab Pages is a feature that allows you to publish static websites directly from a repository in GitLab.
It’s the easiest way to get your website up and running.
Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators.
I just heard that the new Bootstrap 5 will use Hugo to generate their document.
With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again.
You can build a beautiful website in less than an hour.