Microphone signals are often too weak to be transmitted to units such as mixing consoles and recording devices with adequate quality.
Preamplifiers increase a microphone signal to line level by providing stable gain while preventing induced noise
that would otherwise distort the signal.
Install the server, pgAdmin and command line tools, but not Stack Builder(Drivers and add-ons for other language)
You can install multiple database server in the same computer as long as their port is different
For Windows
Data Directory: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\data
Superuser: postgres / my-password
Locale: [Default locale]
For Linux
// check version
lsb_release -a
sudo apt update
// version 12 in Ubuntu 20
sudo apt install postgresql
sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive
sudo -i -u postgres
createdb dbname
\? // list all psql commands
\h // list all the SQL commands
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'root';
\q // quit
From the Start > PostgrSQL 13, you can open pgAdmin or SQL Shell to test the installation.
Our system uploaded the exported Inventory All Fields file into Egnyte Plateform every day for each facility.
I need to analyze this file to create two reports each week. (Each file is about 70M or more).
Click the link to go to the shared Google Drive page in browser
Sign in to your Google Drive account
Right-click the shared folder and select Add Shortcut to Drive to add a shared folder shortcut to a specific folder(My Drive/XingFu) of your Drive. You can delete this afterwards.
How to get URL parameter and query parameter values?
// localhost/user/123?name=Andrew&age=12
e.GET("/user/:id", showInfo)
func showInfo(c echo.Context) error {
// name, age are get from url parameters;
myname := c.QueryParam("name") // Andrew
myage := c.QueryParam("age") // 12
// id is get from url path
myid := c.Param("id") // 123
Binding request data
In the struct definitions each field can be tagged to restrict binding to specific source.